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Slavery Sex…


Slavery Sex….it is nothing new, The Same old song but with a different twist. Africans are trying to get to Europe to seek a better life!

Of course Europe does not want Africans in that continent. It costs money to get from most African countries to the Libyan border. A trip from the border of Cameroon/Nigeria costs $5,000 plus the women are told to bring condoms since they will be forced to have Slavery Sex with men in brothels along the way.   

There is a solution to this and it’s very simple. Empower Africans in their continent to do work, to Invest in a food business, a container home business or a training program.

Solution! Instead of a village or a family spending $2,000, $3,000, $4,000 or even $5,000 to send a man or woman to Europe, let the potential traveler invest that money into a Poultry Farm, a BioFloc Fish Farm, an Organic Vertical Farm, or a Container Home business. 

These investments will do Seven things:

  1. Stop the Sex Slavery Trade in Africa 
  2. Empower African Men and Women in Business
  3. Build up the African countries economically
  4. Stop the Human Body Parts Trade  
  5. Stop the Slave Labor Trade of African Workers
  6. End the unnecessary deaths of many Africans who drown in those dinghy’s trying to cross the  Mediterranean Sea. 
  7. Keep Africans at home building a better life in Africa

You can help with all of this by Donating to

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